Our journey through life with hemiplegic cerebral palsy and infantile spasms

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Your child doesn't need this

Karsen had a great day today with his OT. I think he's finally warming up to him. It was a huge help that Kuper took Karter to my friends house this morning so I didn't have to. (My friend, Lisa, takes Karter to preschool for me on Tuesdays) So Karsen was able to eat a good breakfast before we headed over to his OT appointment. So maybe he needed the extra boost of food or maybe he's getting more comfortable with his new OT, who knows. It was a huge improvement. We didn't have to leave early, in fact we actually ended up going over our time a bit. We worked a lot on hand play. We also talked about getting him a removable splint for his right arm so we can do some constraint therapy. There was no way I was going to do a cast at this age so we're going to do something removable that way I can work on it x amount of time a day. Karsen also got his new thumb splint. It fits much better than his bulky wrist/thumb splint. 
We went to his usual play group therapy and I'm really starting to love it. I think Karsen does too. There's such a wide range of developmental delay in the group, which I thought would be hard but it's not bad at all. I love the PT's that are there. They have so much knowledge about feeding and motor skills. I could pick their brains all day. I've made it part of our schedule to try to make it to every Tuesday play therapy since Karsen and I both learn so much from it. There are a few people I have seen consistently and know both of their kiddos are at very similar milestones as Karsen. Today there were two other people with kiddos there today that I haven't met. They were both around 12 months. At first I thought they were twins but then I realized the two parents were not together (one dad, one mom) after seeing their kids for 5 minutes I wanted to ask them to leave. Their kids did not need to be there! I was getting mad and irritated that they were there. This is a special needs class and there was nothing special needs about them. Both could crawl, walk, and communicate, and when it came to snack time their were eating as good as you and I. I wanted to scream. Not to mention the dad had asked me if Karsen broke his thumb. Clearly they didn't belong. It was hard to get into this program from the start which is why I refuse to not go. So, this two little ones are taking up spots for kids that really truly need it. Karsen doesn't do well with kids enterning his comfort zone, he defintely has a bubble around him and it's only ok to come into it if you are an adult female that is going comfort him. One of the little boys was a total brute. Running all over and kept trying to grab Karsens face, all while the PT was trying to work on standing on Karsens knees. Karsen kept melting down every time this kid would come near him. I couldn't blame him, I probably was doing the same. Well, lets just hope that they realized the three other kids there really truly needed that therapy session and they decide to not come back. I know I sound harsh but I want Karsen to get every bit out of his therapy sessions. That time where he is alert, happy, and willing to work is hard to come by. 
In other news, today Karsen showed me a glimpse of some serious brain function. He's never gotten the action of putting toys in a box or pushing a car around like it should, that sort of thing. Well, today he put a ball on the track of a toy how it's suppose to, to watch it roll down to the bottom. He did this over and over again. Woo hoo!!!! I was so excited for him, he's really started to get the whole "playing" part of certain toys. I know, weird to worry about how your child plays with toys but with a special needs child nothing is off limits to worry about. Here's a video I took of some of the action. Notice the butt scooting turning action before? I'm so proud of him.

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