Our journey through life with hemiplegic cerebral palsy and infantile spasms

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


One of my best friends and I got together for lunch today after Karsen's first group therapy session. She and I have gotten so close over the years of knowing each other but even more close after I had Karsen. Her first son was just like my first, ahead of the game, super smart, and super easy. Her second son is very similar to Karsen, had a traumatic birth (Karsen didn't but the affect of his stroke is similar), hitting milestones later than should be, a medical stress case. Not to mention her husband is just like my husband, both quiet and reserved, very particular, rolls with the punches easily, and both also tall and skinny and can eat whatever they want. In fact, at Karsen's birthday party someone thought that Kuper and Jimmy were twins.... that didn't surprise me at all. lol Just last night, Brittany and I were texting back and forth. I was having a hormonal day and was just feeling like I wanted to cry about all of Karsen's struggles. She just gets it. She knows exactly how I feel. She's been there. We both constantly go there. It's so amazing to have someone that just gets it. I got up this morning feeling emotionally drained as well as exhausted since I only got 4.5 hours of sleep but I figured "it's a new day". Let's hit this head on. So, off I went to Karsen's first group therapy session, not knowing what to expect. There was three therapists there and three other little ones with their moms. Everyone was SO nice. But I immediately felt like I needed to take a step back. All the other babies there had such major issues. Karsen was the youngest and was also the one doing the best out of all of them. It broke my heart to see these babies with such a rough road ahead of them. I felt stupid. Selfish. Ignorant. Ungrateful. These parents would be over the moon if their child had what Karsen has. I left feeling like God had put me in check. I got to lunch and proceeded to tell Brittany about the session and how I felt stupid for even reacting the way I did. We are only human. There  is always someone that has it worse than us. I know I am still going to have my days I just want to curl up and cry. That's ok, I accept that. It's healthy. (just as long as it's rare and not super often) I am so grateful Karsen is alive. I'm so grateful he's moving forward. He's thriving. He's happy. He's perfect. I guess sometimes everyone needs a little perspective. Ok God, I got it, loud and clear. ;-) 

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