Our journey through life with hemiplegic cerebral palsy and infantile spasms

Friday, October 19, 2012

Good and not so good

Tapering of the zonegran has been both good and not so good. Karsen has sky rocketed with his oral motor skills. I can't remember if I touched on this before, but a epileptic special had talked to me about Karsen's delays while we were in for the EEG. When I told her I believed his oral motor delays were a side effect of the zonegran she told me that was impossible, and that was a part of his cp. Ok, so let me back up to when Karsen first started having the seizures. We went through three different meds, at that time Karsen never used his thumb to suck down food and he also was able to feed him self crackers. Obviously, he took a huge step back, and it seemed to happen over night when he got put on the zonegran. The only other possibility that crossed my mind was the seizures causing the oral motor delay, but NOW. The minute we start tapering him off the zonegran he stops using his thumb to suck food down and also can feed himself crackers and is on his way to hold his own bottle.... coincidence? I think not! I remember being told, by our neurologist out of all people, "a mothers intuition will beat a doctors any day". I will never forget that, and don't you. Stay with your gut instinct. I don't know if you remember when Karsen was tapered of the prednisone. The experience  was much different then. Karsen turned into this alert baby that actually started to sleep through the night (before, he was waking up every two hours). One of the side effects from the prednisone was insomnia, that was rough, taking him off of it was so nice. Well now, the zonegran was making him drowsy, so now Karsen has been waking up earlier and earlier each morning deciding it's time to conquer the day. This morning? 4:30am. He also refused to nap yesterday after being up for over 7 hours I was relieved it was bed time and he was willing to go down. It's going to take us a while to taper off the zonegran all together, around 2 months. We have to take him off slowly so we don't risk him having a seizure. I'm so ready for this to be over. I'm not one of those people that function well off of little sleep, like my husband.  The excitement greatly out ways the frustration of lack of sleep. I'm beyond excited that Karsen has just taken huge leaps in the last week. 

Here's some butt scooting sweetness. :-)

My big boy enjoy his forth cracker in one sitting, I think he's got the hang of it.

 My silly butt scooter got over to shelf of toys and created a serious mess in record time, I couldn't be more proud. 

Happy Friday! Hope your Friday is as fabulous as mine. Yes, I'm running on little sleep, but there's coffee for that and really how could I be in a bad mood when both my boys are so awesome! 

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