Our journey through life with hemiplegic cerebral palsy and infantile spasms

Monday, October 15, 2012

Time for yourself

I wanted to take a break and talk about something that is incredibly important and I can tell you right now, us moms, special needs or not, don't do it enough. Time to yourself. That's right, I said it. We can all sit here and come up with a million excuses why we don't, how hard it is to do it, how hard it is on your husband, blah blah blah, but that doesn't change the fact that you still need it. I am one of the worst people that pulls every excuse out of the book when it comes to making time for myself. For those of you that don't know, I am currently in the thick of training for a marathon. If you've ever trained for a marathon or even a half then you can understand what a huge commitment this is. I still am in the current battle with myself, of loving and hating that I signed up for this. I really truly believe it has kept me sane through the past 6 months. It has given me a mental break and time to disconnect myself from everything, when I say everything I mean EVERYTHING. I still have a hard time thinking that this "time for myself" is spent in misery, running for almost 3 hour straight, and not at a spa, or having lunch with a friend. ha. Like I said, love hate, love hate. For my birthday, I got a bunch of new, schnazzy running gear. I was like a kid on Christmas when I got it all. I wanted to go for a run right then and there. But the present that tops it all? Dinner with my sissy and a massage. What?! Shut the front door. Three hours of enjoyment and not punishment? Yes please. As I sit here typing this, my calves are cramping, my back is wrenched and my glutes and thighs are fatigued to say the least, I couldn't be more ready for this massage. I can tell you right now, I'm a better mom when I spend time away from my boys. I hope you get what I'm saying.... ha If I constantly guilt myself into staying with them 24/7, I get grumpy and in a funk. I love my kids, don't get me wrong. But before being a stay at home mom, I was a full time hair stylist, working 6 days a week, one of the most social lines of work you could be in, and now I have taken on the role of OT to one, and preschool teacher to another. Not quite the social life I use to have. When I make the time to just step away for an hour or so every now and then, boy oh boy can I handle temper tantrums and attitudes much calmer, which in return makes a happier child. So, my point.... make time for yourself. Stop saying "yeah, I need to do that" and just do it. Reach out to a friend and see if they can take your kids for an hour while you just go for a walk by yourself, ask your hubby to put the kids to bed while you soak in the bath. You need to take care of yourself to take care of your kids. On that note, I'm going to go toss on my sweatshirt, throw my hair up in a pony tail, slip on  my toms. Massage time here I come! Hope my massage therapist is ready for this mess.... ;-) 
Now, do it! Plan a day where you get even just an hour or two. 
No excuses!
I decided to give Karsen a bath in the sink the other day and of course Karter wanted to take his bath there too. I was surprised he still fit. lol Silly boys.

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