Our journey through life with hemiplegic cerebral palsy and infantile spasms

Monday, October 22, 2012

Little mover

Every thing is really starting to pick up with Karsen. I can see the true baby come through the medication fog. It's so exciting. Karsen is officially a mover. That's right, he's butt scooting every where. He just started butt scooting the other day. Normally, he picks something up (like sitting up, turning around) and it takes him a while to really know how to do it. So, when I saw him scooting yesterday, slowly scooting might I add, I did not expect him to start moving for a couple of weeks. I guess I've been spoiled in a sense, put him down somewhere and expect him to not move from that spot (if he does it's just an inch or two). This morning, I went to the bathroom for maybe two minutes, Karsen was dead center of the room. I had to run out mid hand washing to the noise of Karsen crying. When I go out to living room, he isn't there, he's in the kitchen and has knocked over the dog water all over himself (hence the crying). I scooped him up, all soaked in dog water and began to laugh and feel nothing but joy. There was water everywhere, I mean everywhere. In the kitchen in the living room, on the wall but in that moment I felt so happy, so proud. I changed Karsen, cleaned up the mess and proceeded by enticing Karsen to chase a his sensory bin of noodles (not cooked) around the room. I have to say, it's pretty stinkin cute to see him scoot all around. So proud of my little man! This is a huge month in Karsenville. Self feeding, using a sippy cup, holding his own bottle, butt scooting, what's next? Can't wait to see!

1 comment:

  1. Just happened across your blog post, and this one about Karsen scooting and the water dish made my day! Too precious. He is one beautiful baby boy and you are an incredible Mom. I know what it takes some days, I was mom to an Angel for 27 years before God called her home this past May. I feel so blessed that he entrusted her to me for so many years and I thank him for every moment, good and bad. I know I would not be half the person I am today if not for her. I'm so sorry to read of your friend's son with the tumor. My thoughts and prayers will be with them. Re: your best friend, it's funny how God puts just the right people in our lives to help us through the struggles. I've had friends such as yours and they are a true blessing. Just want to tell ya, if you ever want to connect with a large network of other CP families, please visit us @ Cerebral Palsy Family Network. You would be such an inspiration to so many and I would love for our families to meet your family. We'd be so honored if you wrote a guest blog for us. Just something for you to think about. Thanks for sharing, and give Karsen (Mr. Scooter Butt) a big hug for me!
    Best of luck and God Bless
