Our journey through life with hemiplegic cerebral palsy and infantile spasms

Monday, September 17, 2012


After my last post, I was overwhelmed with the amount of support and loving comments/fb messages/text messages from so many great people. I'm so blessed to have you all in my life. As always it took me a couple of days to process that particular day. One thing my husband has constantly pointed out to me, when ever I'm feeling like Karsen is so far behind, how many of the other kids had seizures that stopped them from learning thing? He's so right. I started to look a little too much and what age other hemi kids started scooting/crawling/walking/talking, in the midst I failed to remember that Karsen's combined condition is unlike any other hemi kid. It was as if 5 month of his life put his brain on pause. I keep having to remind myself that years from now it's just not going to matter when he scoots/crawls/walks/talks. It really doesn't matter now. So, back to one day at a time. Karsen's ophthalmology appointment is closing in. For whatever reason I'm really anxious about it. I just want to make sure everything is ok, and would really love to avoid surgery. I'm also trying to get Karsen if for his EEG hopefully the same time that we are down there. I'll be calling our neuro today to see if there is any strings she can pull and how she feels about it. Both Kuper and I agree (and the neuro) that it would be best if Karsen could be med free to develop his brain with out meds. So that is the goal. Get him in for an EEG (I'm hoping a 24 hour one to make sure we're covering all of it) to clear him to stop taking his last final drug. I'm curious to see what the drug had been causing as far as side affects. I have no clue if the drooling is a side affect but boy and I hoping it is. Since Karsen has had such a struggle with feeding I'm wondering if part of it is halting that development. Curious.... On the up side, Karsen is standing really strong. He has zero balance while doing it but he's actively standing with out locking out either legs and the best part is his feet are both flat! If you don't know already, cp kids have the tendency to stand/walk on their toes. Because Karsen isn't toe standing there is a good chance we can put off him needing an AFO (ankle foot orthopedic) . That's it for the updating. Thank you again for all the sweet messages from you all. You all make my day a little brighter.

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