Our journey through life with hemiplegic cerebral palsy and infantile spasms

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


For a change of pace I'm going to be talk about me a little rather than Karsen, don't worry he'll be in this story a little. In March I completed my first half marathon. After an extreme runners high, I decided to sign up for a full marathon, it comes up in December. My official training schedule was to start this week. As time carried on I began to think I was quite stupid to sign up for a full marathon. What was I thinking? Really though. What time do I have to train? Yesterday it was gorgeous here! Perfect running weather. My girlfriend that is running the same marathon sent me a text basically saying 'no excuses to not run this weather is perfect, 20 weeks and counting'. Oye! Ok, time to get serious. I was spending sometime with my long time best friend yesterday and her husband. We decided to walk the trail, which is right next to her house. The only thing you have to do is maneuver down a steep hill and through some barbwire. I was doing this all with both boys in the stroller. Any one else thinking this wasn't a smart idea now? Well, we finished our walk and started to head back since Karsen's appointment was in 15 mins. My friend and I lifted the stroller together to start heading down the hill then through the barb wire, and then up. Well, the first hill was all we made. My right foot slipped, all my weight landed on my other foot all sideways and tweaked, and the stroller followed. I knew right off the bat, this was bad, I wasn't going to walk away from this. Thank God (literally) for Jenny and Jarrett. Oh, and I can't forget about how connected my boys are. When they saw me on the ground in pain they both freaked out. It took awhile to calm them down, I held each of them as I sat on the ground watching my ankle swell every second. Jenny hustled and the boys to the car while Jarrett carried me through the barb wire and up the hill. I don't know what I would have done if they weren't there. We were joking saying I would still be on the ground today. Well, in all that hustle we still made it to Karsen's eye appointment, which was really useless because he isn't sure whats going on with Karsen's eye. Was able to take Karter to the park and then head back home. I drive a manual so there was no way I was going to be able to drive myself. Jenny and Jarrett drove me home and started dinner for Karter after taking care of me the rest of the day. They are awesome! My mom also came to the rescue and has switched me cars so I can actually drive places until I get better. FUN Tuesday, huh? So I think it's safe to say I will not be running the marathon in December. I have the sneaky suspicion that God was doing for me what I couldn't do for myself. Ok God, got it. My plate was too full. Did you really have to slap me in the face to get my attention? Don't answer that.
Because I know you're dying to know what it looks like here's my ankle after some of the swelling went down.

 My my new fashionable look. 


  1. Did you ever go to the dr for your foot? Are you sure its just a sprain? Poor Jaimie! Thank God for good friends huh!

    1. I don't have insurance.... :-/ but Karsen's chiropractor did some bones stuff to it (hard to explain) that confirmed it wasn't broken. Thank goodness! It's a very pretty shade of purple now.
