Our journey through life with hemiplegic cerebral palsy and infantile spasms

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Another referral?!

After talking to our neuro and telling her about the eye doctor appointment she said she still wanted to send Karsen to the pediatric optometrist. I was relieved. I wanted to ask but didn't have to. I could care less about the drive, these people are amazing! So, of course our appointment will be in Palo Alto again. But as I said, I really don't mind. I want to make sure everything is ok with Karsen's eyes. The paperwork has been sent in, we are just waiting for a phone call to set up the appointment. Not sure how long that will take. I have the feeling I'll have to make the drive down twice this next month. Oh well, we'll just have to take Karter to that children's museum that we found the last time. Totally awesome, and it's free! I'm pushing to try to get more therapy for Karsen. I feel he's at a stand still right now, and I need some more guidance on what I can do with him at home, not during therapy. I read about fellow hemi kids around Karsen's age, receiving 5 therapys a week. We only have two. So I have no clue how people are getting that many. I'm trying my hardest to just get one extra every other week. The problem is they wanted Karsen to go to a baby group that meets at the center. It sounds amazing, but we couldn't go because Karsen was on prednisone, which lowered his immune system. Then I also found out you can't bring siblings 3 and up. Well.... Karter will be 3 on September 5th. Karsen finished his taper of the prednisone on Monday. That doesn't really give us much time as far as being able to make it to baby group. In fact, we'll only be able to make it to two of them. Then we can't go anymore. I'm a little nervous about going anyways. Taking Karter with me to Karsen's appointments is hard enough, taking him to therapy at a place that isn't home.... that's going to be interesting. I know I'm going to be totally distracted, making sure Karter is playing nice and not getting in the way of others. I'm actually kind of dreading this. Plus the other babies at the group have an array of different problems. Karsen is the only baby with hemi cp. No clue what to expect. I'm hoping to get chance to talk to one of the ladies there that is some sort of food specialist since Karsen's eating isn't the greatest, which is stressing me out. I don't like that I have to wait so long to meet with her. It will be mid August when I can make it to the baby group and meet the team there. I'm really hoping I can get Karsen more services. He really needs it, he needs to be pushed, as well as I do. Fingers crossed and praying hard as always. 

Oh and still seizure free!!!! I don't think I'll ever feel like I can let go of the constant watching to make sure Karsen isn't having a seizure.
Don't worry, the car was parked. ;-)


  1. The play group you are talking about is really great and I bet Karter will love it. I have also heard that sometimes P and J will excuse the age if your child plays well with others. I've been to the group several times with the twins. It is a great experience for everyone. Best of luck!!

    - Sissy

  2. Depending on what day karsen's therapy group is at p&j, I would be happy to have karter over to play with Allegra- if you ever need/want!
