Our journey through life with hemiplegic cerebral palsy and infantile spasms

Friday, June 15, 2012

Three days and counting

That's right, three consecutive days of no seizures and counting! Karsen is doing so good too. We had our usual therapy session today with a whopping three people this time. He did awesome. Mary Beth was blown away from what she saw last week. He's sitting up so strong, reacting to weight shift and strengthening his legs and arms. I'm so proud. We have, however, noticed he's really curling in his thumb into his hand more than we would like. So, we ordered a wrist/thumb splint to give him more support and prevent needing surgery later on in life. The only thing I dread about this is the questions that will come out in public. When I asked Kuper what we should say in response, he simply said "just tell them he has cerebral palsy". Well, you make it seem so easy! ha! 
We took both boys to the fair yesterday, it was pretty hot but didn't stop either one from having too much fun. Karter was in heaven, wanting to go on every roller coaster possible. It was so need hearing him crack up on one of them. It brought tears to my eye to see the joy in his face. Karsen was completely content just hanging out in the stroller taking in all of the bright lights and crazy sounds. It was so fun. Kind of a bummer they only stay in town for four days. I can't wait until the boys can go on the rides together.

A couple of weeks ago, Mary Beth left us an amazing therapy swing for Karsen (and Karter too of course) to play in. It's huge! It can fit me and both boys in it. Both Karter and Karsen love it! 
Here's a few pics of getting some swing time in.


  1. I think every family needs a therapy swing...-nancie

  2. My parents never made a big deal about my hand when I was a baby/ kid. I had many sergeries and had cast from a young age, starting at under a year. People stared and ask question, my parents would say, "she was born that way" but my parents never hid my hand or were asamed, they figuar if they didn't make a big deal out of it, either would I and I feel that I don't, I'm ok being differant. Your a strong woman Jamie :) an inspiration.

  3. I think the male species is onto something in their simple approach to life, that we wives often miss with all of our thinking and planning. It is what it is.....if someone asks, tell them he has cerebral palsy. lol So obvious, yet so complicated I am sure, to let those words just tumble out of your mama's heart. But the straight forward approach is always the best imo.

    Your boys are so adorable btw.
