Our journey through life with hemiplegic cerebral palsy and infantile spasms

Monday, December 3, 2012

Huge steps

Well, I did it. Yesterday I finished my first ever marathon. The weather was nuts! The head winds got as strong as 55 mhp, and it was raining for 3.5 hours straight. It was tough. People running at a much faster pace were quitting, people were walking, and boy did I want to do both but I finish. I finish at 4:45 (maybe a little less since I didn't cross the start line right when the timer started. I couldn't be more proud of myself and so happy that I followed through. My amazing husband was out there swapping bottles for my fuel pack and handing me Motrin when I needed it, seeing him ever 5 miles or so gave me small bursts of energy every time. Two of my friends were there also, braving the crazy weather, huddled under a giant umbrella and still getting soaked. Cheering on my and my two friends at mile 10, 20 and the finish line. My Dad and sister were waiting at the finish line, and my poor sister ended up injuring her ankle in a rush to get to the finish line before I did. That's dedication right there. Love you sis! I was impressed by all the people out there supporting us. It was not easy weather to run in let alone stand in not getting warm. Oh, and I can't forget, Karsen's OT, Mary Beth was a little after mile 1 cheering me on. I'm so incredibly blessed to have so many people supporting me and encouraging me. I ended up running the last 10 miles with a random stranger who was no stranger to marathons. He literally helped me shave off 10 minutes off my time. He also happened to be a physical therapist that worked with kids with CP. Ok, God, there are no mistakes, thank you for putting this person in my life temporarily. It's the small things that have such a big impact. 
 This picture doesn't do the storm justice, it was straight up gnarly.
My awesome, soaking wet husband and I, when the sun came out right at the finish.
In other news.... Karsen has taken his first official assisted steps. He will no walk if I am holding his hands. He's no where close to walking independently but it's a huge step in the right direction. The best part? He loves to do it. Every time we stand up now he starts to get really excited. He also started pointing to his food when he wants more and waving 'nite nite' to us. He's starting to communicate!!!! Finishing a marathon wasn't enough for our family, lets throw in some assisted steps while we're at it. So proud of my little mans hard work. Here's the second time he walked assisted.


  1. I still can't believe I sprained my stinkin' ankle!! Boo!! But I am SOOOOOOO proud of you! As I was running to the finish line, I could see the runners and hear all the cheers. I got all choked up thinking about you finishing. What an accomplishment! You rocked that marathon! Your time was amazing, especially since there was so much wind and rain! Just think, the next one will be so much easier if you get clear weather!!
    Love you!
    - your sissy

  2. I am so happy for you Jaimie. What a woman!!
