Our journey through life with hemiplegic cerebral palsy and infantile spasms

Friday, December 14, 2012

Filter? What's that?

The other day, I was at the grocery store with just Karsen. Karter was at preschool so I took the opportunity to head to the grocery store with just the little man. As most of you may know by now, I'm a very open book.... or maybe you could view it as an open blog...lol. If you ask me a question, 99% of the time I will answer it with no hesitation. When people have asked me about Karsen, I don't skip a beat. I guess I've gotten use to it, all the questions, the stares, the awkwardness. Well, one thing I don't have tolerance for is ignorant people. 

I always thought I had a really good filter. I'm never one of those people that speaks up when someone cuts in line, I'm the pansy one that complains about it out loud in hopes they will feel guilty. I'm not at all like my sister in this way, she's the one at Breaking Dawn Part 1 opening night, putting tweens (and their not so nice moms) in their place when they tried sqeezing their fifteen extra people in front of us with a friend that was already in line. In fact I think her exact words were "No, no! I don't think so! Back of the line!" I was dying! Cracking up and turning red all at the same time. I love her for this. I wish I could be more like her at times, her go get 'em take no crap from no one attitude. 

Well, a few days ago I had my taste of it apparently. I don't know what got into me. While waiting in the check out line, the lady in front of me started to say hi to Karsen and therefor noticed Karsen's excessive amount of drool (the drool comments really get to me). Then this came out of her mouth, "That's not normal drool. That's not just teething drool. There's something not right." My response? I stared at her blankly and blurted "He has Cerebral Palsy" a brief moment passed and a little bit of sass popped out of me. "Do you feel stupid now?" What?! Did I really just say that out loud?! Even still, to this day I am shocked that I said that. That poor woman, but common, really?! How dare she say something like that. Maybe now she'll think twice before she opens her mouth. I know I will...eek! Ugh, I feel awful. Sorry lady. It wasn't my day. But really, am I sorry? Should I be? Or should she be sorry? The comments complete strangers make blows me away. I think it shocks people that actually use their filter. These people, the filterless (yes that's a new word), end up saying things that the majority of the time hurt people. So I've decided, instead of going home and being sad that someone noticed Karsen isn't 'normal' (HATE that word) I will be turning my filter to 'light'. That's right people. I will no longer hold back ALL the time, and when appropriate I might make someone feel stupid for saying something they probably shouldn't have. Care to join me?

If you're needing a CP break and want to read something light, and funny by two very talented writers, here is where you need to go. My sister, Stephanie, and her hilariously, daring friend Julie are a nice nice change of pace. Enjoy!

My super supportive sister, who watched me cross the finish line at my first marathon. She's an amazing sister, best friend, and a phenomenal auntie, and did I mention her filter is set a the perfect setting? ;-)


  1. I don't know about the perfect setting. ;-) You've met me, right? lol! I'm glad your filter's setting is getting set lower! Everyone should do it! Okay, maybe not people who already have a low-volumne on their filters. You know the ones. The people that still say things that can instantly offend like they are a child who doesn't know any better? But you, my dear sister, aren't like that and I admire that you set this woman in her place! Boom! That just happened!

    Stephanie D. Birch
    Wife, Daughter, Sister, Auntie, Friend, Writer and Loud-Mouth

  2. The things people say in grocery stores to moms...
    .. I will never forget the day someone asked me if I " was sure I wasn't having twins" ( (7 mos preg with Levi)..
    Uh, yes I'm sure, rude lady that I don't even know. Sheesh!
    Sorry this crap keeps happening.
    Bring your sister along for your grocery trips to save u the trouble of giving them a piece of your mind!
