Our journey through life with hemiplegic cerebral palsy and infantile spasms

Monday, December 10, 2012


Karsen has been really resistant to eating anything healthy. I know it sounds silly but it's true. He has no problem eating graham crackers, cheerios, gold fish, basically any cracker form. When is comes to fruit or veggies, they get thrown on the ground, and me being persistant gets it thrown at me and also gets to witness a full blown temper tantrum.  It makes for a really fun dinner.... eh. I'm feeling a little overwhelmed with it and don't know where to turn. I'm constantly worried he's not getting enough to eat. I really believe it's a texture thing, and the lack of sensation in his mouth. We've been working with a eating therapist at group which has helped him learn to actually eat food and not use his thumb to suck down purees. He's officially off baby food, and I've even tried to give it to him time and time again so he'll at least have some healthy food to live off of, but he wont even touch it now. I'm hoping we can talk to someone about it his issues and get some answers or help. 

Karsen is doing great. He's more and more comfortable moving around. I watch him pancake himself to the ground (boy is he flexible) and get up with ease. He's still butt scooting every where, and he loves walking around the house when I hold his hands. He's nearing 6 months of zero seizures!!!! Drug free, and seizure free. I didn't think that would ever be something I would ever be able to say. We still have yet to hear any words, but he is understanding more and more of what we are telling him every day. We are STILL waiting for his new wrist/thumb splint, and I fear I have to be a squeaky wheel again. Ugh. 

I took the boys to go see Santa over the weekend, Karter was so excited and immediately told Santa he wants race cars, Karsen..... well, you can see for yourself. I couldn't help but laugh. Everyone has to have one of these in their album. I actually had to swipe him pretty quick, he was back arching and slowly sliding down Santa's leg to get to the ground. 

1 comment:

  1. That picture is a classic! So adorable!! You are doing such a great job Jaimie. I know I have nothing to do with it....but I am so proud of you!!
