Our journey through life with hemiplegic cerebral palsy and infantile spasms

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Light bulb on

Holy smokes! These last few weeks as seemed like a light bulb has just been turned on for Karsen. His eating has sky rocketed and his starting to become a full blown mover. 

Today was the first time Karsen got to eat like his brother, and when I mean eat like his brother he ate the same exact lunch. Chicken nuggets, raspberries and green beans (odd combination, but it works). Oh and let's not forget the sippy which he fully used on his own, full tilt and all. I couldn't believe how easy lunch was today. I think it's safe to say he might be off of baby food puree soon! FREEDOM! (*insert back handspring*)

As you all know, Karsen is in total butt scoot mode (that's his version of crawling). He's all over the place and fast! His newest attempt, pulling up to his knees. He just started pulling himself to his knees and is trying oh so hard to get up to standing. He's gotten up to his knees 5 times in the last 24 hours. We've been busting our butts the past few weeks, but boy is it paying off. He's still ignoring his left hand and doesn't use it at all, I mean at all! But I'm confident, when we do some constraint therapy (not until he's walking and a little older) we'll see some results. 

Karsen started waving bye and hi yesterday. It's still hit and miss when he actually does it, I honestly think he just chooses to not do it sometimes. He understands so much but just doesn't know how to communicate, it's frustrating for both of us. Karter and Karsen I are starting to play together more and more each day. It makes me so happy to see them actually play together and be real brothers, and yes that includes fighting. I have to admit I'm pretty excited when they fight, they are both being normal. I've realized I need to ease up on Karter  a little bit and not hound him with non stop Karsen orders. He's been so good through all of the hard stuff, the poor kid needs a break. 

Karsen got to try out a walker at physical therapy today. We didn't do any actual walking, we wanted him to not hate the walker so we just let him explore it and stand with it. He did pretty good. He was actually holding on with both hands.

We have two weeks left until Karsen is officially med free! Still not a single sign of a seizure. I'd have to say he's doing amazing! 

1 comment:

  1. Go, Bubbas, go! All hail fine motor!!

    Stephanie Birch (Karsen and Karter's Auntie)
    Writer Freaks
