Our journey through life with hemiplegic cerebral palsy and infantile spasms

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Seven phone calls later

We have been waiting for the paper work to go through and phone calls to be made to see what's going to happen next with Karsen and the botox. In the mean time, his rash has been holding strong and not getting any better, which irritates me even more that we've been put on hold. Well, I've been doing my best at being a squeaky wheel. Three weeks ago I got a phone call that our insurance approved the consult with the botox specialist. Woo hoo! When I got that phone call they left me a number to call if I didn't hear back from them in a week to schedule the appointment..... well, I dropped the ball. I lost the number. Which is not like me at all! I have two GIANT binders with Karsen's medical stuff in it and the number is no where to be found. So a week past, I picked up the phone and called our original doctor that put in for the consult. Got the run around, got transferred to three different people to be told that they just received the referral and would call me with in the week. Who the heck did I talk to then??? I was confused but decided to let it rest, it's drool/rash. I can hang for another week, we've been at it for over 18 months what's a one more. A week passes, I pick up the phone. I talked to seven, SEVEN, different people all not knowing what was going on until the final one got to the botttom of things. The referral was done wrong. PERFECT! I finally got the right number to call back, stored it in my phone!, and was told to call back if we didn't hear back from them by Friday. I'm really glad I know how to squeak, who knows how long it would have been before someone figured that out if ever. We wait, again..... 

We had an OT session this morning with the fabulous MB. We just love her! I sometimes wish my boys had a sitter so she and I can just hang out and have coffee (or wine ;-)) and chat. We started working on his feeding a bit more today, and it went surprisingly well. Spoon feeding, working on him sucking his upper lip in. Boy was he concentrated and trying very hard, left hand tight and close in, toes curled. It's going to be a long road but I know Karsen will get there. It will be nice to stop having to change his whole outfit after he drinks anything. The laundry is a bit much (hence why I have stopped cloth diapering).

Karsen has really been a big boy. I feel like we are moving out of young toddler. He's got so much personality and really knows what he wants to do. The other day I asked him to pick out a book and bring it to me. He walked over, picked a book, and sat down with me. After finishing the book I asked him if he wanted to pick out another, up he went to go pick another. When I started reading the second book, he closed the book, looked at the cover, shook his head no and got up to pick up a different book. I guess it wasn't the book he wanted. :-) He's really starting to grow up. That gap of time lost he had to make up for is really starting to close. We just gotta get the speech going. He signs more and more every day. Today when I asked him to say Mama he signed it with out hesitation. My sweet boy, melts my heart.

Thanks to a dear friend, we will be trying out hydrotherapy with Karsen. She has a heated indoor pool. MB will be taking a shot at our first session. Fingers crossed it goes good. 

Look at that hand clinched so tight. That's some serious concentration. 

 He's such a big boy now, sitting at the table with his brother for snack. Good bye high chair, hello bench.

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