Our journey through life with hemiplegic cerebral palsy and infantile spasms

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Looking for suggestions

We've been successfully eating "clean" for over four days now and boys has it been hard. We have cut all corn (in any form) and oat, which basically cut out all processed food. Not like we really should be eating that all anyways. A long time family friend was kind enough to give us an awesome bread make which has already been put to good use and made three loafs of bread. We've been having smoothies every morning now. Since Karsen will ALWAYS drink them I throw just about anything in them. This morning was kale, spinach, and chard with apples, strawberries, oranges, pineapple, and a little bit of greek yogurt. Karsen sucks two of them down easily. My problem? My cheap, not so good blender (which is old too so that doesn't help) doesn't blend it up very good. My oldest, Karter, and my husband literally gagged on Sunday's smoothie because it was too chunky. And Karsen was getting so mad that his drink kept getting clogged. So, it's time for an upgrade. I'm looking for suggestions. I have  heard a lot about the vitamix, which of course I would hop out and buy right now, however it is quite expensive. Do I bite the bullet and get it? Or do I get a juicer? Or do I buy a more expensive blender, just not $400 worth? I haven't looked much into juicers. I would actually like to get one to make OJ, and apple juice.... but again, is that a waste of money? Should I just get a hand juicer? 

Karsen has been doing pretty well with the diet change. It was hard the first day or so since he couldn't have his beloved grahm crackers but now he has no problem eating my homemade bread with pb and jelly on it. Which reminds me, I'm out of homemade jam.... looks like that's on tonight's to do list.

Therapy has been moving a long. The other day Karsen used his scrubby brush (what we use to get sensory input on his affected arm) on his arm while I sang the scrubby song. Every time I started to sing it again, he'd lift his affected arm up and start to scrub it. This is a HUGE step for him. Every now and then he gives up a glimpse of movement in that arm. I know once he's old enough to understand to use two hands it will become a lot easier for him. Walking is still a long shot away for us, but that's alright. He'll do it in his own time. Next Friday we have an appointment to try out different styles of walkers to see which on works best for him.The biggest thing Karsen has taught me? Patience, it doesn't come easy. 

I've been trying to find a two seater wagon for the boys (the kind with seat belts) but a luxury item like that isn't really in the budget, so I've been on the look out on craigslist and the exchange. Plus why buy it new when you can find it gently used for much cheaper?

Thursday we have our annual assessment. I'm a little nervous about it since the six month review rocked my world emotionally. It's hard to hear all the things your little one isn't doing on target, but it's also nice to hear all the goals he has met that were set. So, I'm going in knowing my little man doesn't fit in a chart, he doesn't follow a list, he is himself. He does things his way, he does things in his own time, and does nothing but blow me away and prove many people wrong. 

I am so grateful for my beautiful family God has blessed me with. I have learned so much from Karsen and I know I will continue to learn much more. He has helped our family grow and has opened our eyes to the real world. Life is not perfect, it will never be. The well manicures lawn, with the two beautiful cars parked in the garage, with the spotless house, with the laundry all done, all natural home raised/cooked meal, with the quiet, obedient playing kids, and the husband that comes home to greet his wife with a a dozen roses... that's not real, it never will be. The internet has become this great place to find unique ideas for parties, kids rooms, and so much more (you know what I'm talking about, pinterest). But it started to become a place where I didn't appreciate what I had, what God has so generously given to me.  Don't get me wrong, I've gotten some great play ideas for the boys but the longer I stayed on it I would start to feel like a crappy mom not doing enough for my kids, not remodeling the house on my own, not dressing in cute trendy clothes every day rather than yoga pants. But let me tell ya, I love my yoga pants, I love my small house, I love that I am able to be home with my boys and it's time we all stop feeling inadequate for our job. God made us who we are, there were no mistakes. He knew what he was doing when he gave me Karsen. He knew I could step up to the plate, He knew I was perfect for the job, and you know what? I am!

Life is simply too short and too precious. 

Live your life. 

Enjoy the day.

1 comment:

  1. We just bought a new blender about 6 months ago, I did a lot of research on it and ended up buying the Kitchen Aid blender, it scored highest in all the tests I looked at, including Cooks Illustrated and Consumner Reports, higher than the Vitami. It's only $100, much better deal. So far I love it! We tried the Magic Bullet for quick smoothies in the morning w/little to clean and no counter mess, it sucked. Wouldn't crush ice or blend smoothies. The only thing we liked it for was grinding coffee. Our friends bough a Ninja and love it, it has a blender and a food processor attachment. It wasn't tested against the the Kitchen Aid, so I don't know which is better. Just that they both are awesome!
