Our journey through life with hemiplegic cerebral palsy and infantile spasms

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Not resisting

We've made huge strides in the last week. Not only has Karsen cruised but he has been using his left hand when prompted. Ok, let me back up to the first part. That's right, Karsen took four steps completely on his own while holding on to our ottoman. He's done it a handful of times, so I know it's only a matter of time before he is fully cruising. Now onto the second part, using his left hand. He's normally very resistant to using his affected arm and will usually pull away from you if you try to involve it in any activity. Well yesterday at group he was actually ok with using his hand while eating. Then today he used it independently! I put food his his hand and he ate it! These two things may seem so little to you but they are so big in hemi ville. We should be getting a sling to start doing some constrain therapy soon. If you had asked me two days ago if Karsen was ready for CIMT I would tell you no way, but after his huge improvements in the past two days I think we are getting very close. I'm so excited and so proud. He is quite proud of himself too.

Here's a quick shot of Karsen with his new glasses. I have to admit, I really didn't want him to have on glasses but they are pretty stinkin' cute. Sorry for the glare and the messy bib... living real life here. Surprised I actually got a picture of him not screaming since he wanted the camera.

Here's a short video of the lefty action. 


  1. Go Karsen, Go!!! You amaze us all everyday! What's next? World domination? Oh yeah! Do it! I know you can!

  2. I LOVE the glasses and I love that they match his dad's. So adorable! The video just made me sit here smiling. I love the news of all of the progress. WI know Karsen works hard, but mama you are so devoted and consistent and determined to give him every advantage...really I admire you. I KNOW how hard all of that work is on you. Especially when you have more than one child. Bless your sweet mama's heart!
