Our journey through life with hemiplegic cerebral palsy and infantile spasms

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

What now

What do we do now? 

That's the question I asked his doctor today (his temporary fill in doctor since his regular is on leave).

Karsn has been on robinul for his drooling for a week now, we had a brief thirty minutes of no drool the first day and that was it. Drooling like normal, which means back to the horrendous rash. So, I called the doc. After a good 15 minutes on the phone with him, there is nothing more they an do. What do we do now? Well,I contact his doctor at Shriners to talk about Botox. Yep, that's right Botox. I know very little about it, but that's the next step. Time to research.

My poor little man. I wish he could catch a break, I was really hoping he could be bib less for his birthday. Sorry little man. I'm working on it. We'll figure this out.

*sigh* feeling frustrated and very heart broken. I want him to stop itching! I want him to stop bleeding! I just want the drool to be gone.

1 comment:

  1. Have you given him liquid acidophilus? It won't stop the drool of course, but it might help with the yeasty rash from the moisture. Raleys carries it in the refrigerated section of their health food dept. Just an idea.
