Our journey through life with hemiplegic cerebral palsy and infantile spasms

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Hoping and praying

When I went to put a title for this post it took me a while. It's hard for me to sum up what's been going on. It seems like whenever things are too mellow something has to throw it off. So, hoping and praying it is. We are now in the throw off point of our journey again. Karsen had an appointment with his pediatrician just to check in on weight and see how he was doing. Super simple easy appointment. Well, in the past two weeks Karsen has lost one pound. I know that may not seem like much but for a 30 pound 3 year old, losing a total of 2.5 pounds in 3ish  months is not good at all. It started when he started taking his seizure meds. I'm 99% sure that's the problem but to be safe we are taking some stool samples and sending them off to see if there is any other issues we don't yet know about. If we can't find anything then we get sent to a new epileptic specialist (thank goodness, I hated our old one) to look into other seizure meds that aren't as common. The reason for this is the other two that are more common that most neurologists, ours in particular, know the side effects for are pretty harsh. We need to find a med that is just right for Karsen which may take a while. The good part is we haven't seen any seizures but the weight loss is not something we can ignore or be ok with. 
On top of dealing with that, Karsen started walking way different than he usually does. He has always walked with a slight limp but not very noticable, at least I think  it isn't that noticeable. On Monday his left foot was turned slightly outward, yesterday it was worse and he also seemed to not want to be on it as much, Stairs, which are pretty effortless for him, seem to be more of a struggle now. Thankfully we  already had an appointment with his ortho and his PT at the same time so I was able to bring it up. We aren't 100% sure what's going on, but if we were to guess it seems like he's hitting a growth spurt which is causing him to have more spasticity than usual. So, we are watching to make sure it doesn't get worse and going to address it if it continues for the next few weeks. It's been a bit of a stressful week so far, with a few more appointments than normal. I'm ready for the weekend, I'm ready to relax a bit and not have to worry about calling any doctors.  That's the nice part about  weekends, doctors offices are not open so I can shut that part of my brain off for a few days. It always seems that's when you need them the most though huh? Right after closing, over the weekend or on a holiday that always seems to land you in the ER for something that is usually fixed by some antibiotic. Anyways, like I said, I'm hoping and praying that we can get on the right track, Karsen will start gaining weight, seizures will stay away, his gait will return to what it was, and he'll start sleeping in past 4am (for the love of God, please sleep until at least 5....mama is getting a bit worn down). 
In the midst of all these challenges I cling tight to God, and know that we are loved and taken care of. I have no doubt He is here with us. He has a plan for my sweet boy, a plan that is bigger than I could ever imagine. 

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