Our journey through life with hemiplegic cerebral palsy and infantile spasms

Friday, October 26, 2012

Cuddle with me

"Mom, will you cuddle with me?" Those were the sweet words that came out of my three year old's, Karter, mouth this morning. Oh geez kid! Boy, do you know how to pull at my heartstrings. I was just about to hop on the computer and go about my usual morning routine of emails, bills, and reading my blogs I follow. Karter has never been a cuddler, but recently has decided he enjoys it (I soak it up!). Yesterday, I talked about living with no regrets, living in today. Well, today I will be taking my own advice. I plan on doing no work and all play. Today I plan on cuddling with my boys, enjoying every second of them being this small. Time goes by too fast, I know all too soon, Karter will no longer want to cuddle with me to be out playing with his friends. So, soak up today, put those chores off until nap time, or maybe even tomorrow. If you knew today was  your last, what would you be doing? 

Here's a few idea's I have floating around in my head for today:

Build a fort, turn off all the lights and bring flash lights in the fort

Play with play dough or even make it from scratch

Play dress up (in our case we'll be doing capes and super hero gear)

Play cars

throw a football around, or kick a soccer ball

Jump on the trampoline

Bake cookies

Read some books (maybe in your fort)



Do a sciency project off of pinterest (you know you've pinned something)

Play with legos or blocks

Do alphabet flash cards or work on writing

Go on a nature walk and bring a nature scavenger hunt list

Roll a ball around between all kids (this maybe be challenging but very good for both boys)

Sensory bin fun (rice, beans, noddles in a Tupperware and throw some cups and spoons in there for them to explore with)

Cuddle while watching a movie

Have anything to add to the list? I'd love to have more on it. 
Happy Friday! Enjoy your day, ignore your chores, and live in the moment.

How could you not want to cuddle with that?!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh.....so cute. How do you not paper your walls with all of these cute pictures you have of your adorable boys?!

    I am also so sad to hear about Brittany's little guy. Please let me know Jamie if there is a meal list that gets put together or anything like that that I could contribute to.
