Today is world Cerebral Palsy day.
Karsen has spastic hemiplegic cerebral palsy, the result of a stroke he suffered in utero.
This year has been the hardest year of my life hands down, but also has been the most rewarding. Being a mother of two boys is hard, being a mother of two boys one of which has cp.... that's truly hard. It's pulled and pushed me into directions I never thought my life would take me. It's been challenging, exhausting, uplifting, and humbling. It's brought peace in areas of my life I didn't think would ever be peaceful. No matter what your situation, no matter how bad things may seem, there is always good in every bad. No matter how small the good it's still worth the time to acknowledge. Who wants to live in misery? I don't! I want to embrace the challenges (easier said than done, I say that now... lets talk again in a week. ;-) ), hit things head on and focus on all the good and where it has taken me. Backing up to a year ago from now, we had no clue Karsen had suffered a stroke. In that moment I never imagined my life would be this changed in a year. Yesterday I posted a story "the special mother" and one thing in it didn't set right in me. In it it says "...Yes here is a woman whom I will bless with a child less than perfect..." I couldn't disagree more. My child is 100% perfect. God intended him to be this way. He has changed my life drastically and made me appreciate the small things that so many take for granted. There is big things in store for my little man, there are big things in store for every child with cp. They are special, the are perfect. I've met so many amazing moms that are also cp mommy's. Some of them are half way across the world, one of which is just a 40 minute drive. No matter the distance we all understand each other. We are family. A different family that knows the challenges and joys at each milestone. I wouldn't change my life for one second. Yes, I wish Karsen didn't have to struggle, but even kids with out cp have their own struggles. I'm so grateful he's alive, and well, and seizure free for over two and half months! Be grateful for what you have. Your life is your life. It's that simple. Live it!
So today I challenge you to reach out to someone you know that has cp. Make their day a little brighter. If they are older, tell them how they have helped you grow. If they are younger shoot them a smile and let them know how perfect they are.
Karsen has changed me and helps me to grow in ways I never imagined, daily.
Who's life will you touch today?
I love that you consder us family. I definitely cherish the CP family that I have formed as well. Most of all...Happy World Cerebral Palsy Day are beyond precious and we pray for you daily!