We are steadily approaching the year anniversary of the hardest day of my life, hands down. Valentines day, bluck! If you need to catch up, this post will explain why I hate Valentines day even more this year than I did two years ago. But while reflecting on this rough year, I can't help but feel incredibly blessed to have so many supportive people in my life, people I wouldn't have met had I not gone through all we went through. Friendship is one thing out there that helped me through some of the toughest days. Some of my friend may not know the impact they have made. So today, I want to take a moment and recognize some amazing people.
Let me start of with sister. My sister and I have a friendship unlike any other. We couldn't be more different and more alike. I can remember one time where I knew she just "got me", she knew exactly what I needed. It was over 8 months ago, Karsen was still having 8-10 seizures a day, and wasn't even coming close to sleeping through the night. We were in Tahoe, trying to enjoy the leisure of the lake but it was really cold and windy, Karsen was tired and refusing to fall asleep, starting to melt down. I started getting all my stuff packed up to get the boys loaded up in the car. I couldn't find my keys. Everyone was searching everywhere, my brother in law snagged Karsen and snuggled him to sleep while I began to throw my tantrum and scream and kick because I couldn't find my keys. I'm talking full blown three year old tantrum, kicking the sand, yeah, that was me. Right then, my sister held me tight and said the one thing I needed to hear, "I know you just need to cry". And that's what I did. bawled my eyes out, sobbed for a good 5 minutes and it felt so good. I don't think anyone else there really knew what was going on in my head except for her. We get each other, she knows how I work, we are bonded.
Then there's Brittany. We've known each other for almost 4 years now. I really don't consider her a friend, she's more like a sister. We are so much a like, it's scary. Our husbands are really similar in personality and in looks too. I can't tell you how many late night text conversations we've had to help either of us pull through a tough week. That's right, text conversations. I know what you're thinking, pick up the phone, just call her. Thing I love most about her? No matter how much time passes between us (although it doesn't ever seem we let much pass if we can help it) we pick up like no time has passed. Our friendship is effortless and yes we have resorted to texting instead of calling. Why? Because we both are insanely busy, time is rare, and I can tell you right now if we picked up the phone to talk to each other we would be one the phone way longer than we should be. She understands it's hard for me to find time to pick up the phone, she understands why sometimes I just need to have a pitty party, she understands how sometimes I just don't want to talk at all. I know, ten years down the road, we will still be friends, we will still be sisters. We are bonded, we always will be.
Then there's my hemi moms, Marlisa in particular. Karsen and Olivia are only two weeks apart and both have hemi cp. They are hitting their milestones with in a few weeks of each other. She is someone I KNOW understands how hard it can be to be around typical babies, she understands that we probably wont be able to see each other for a few months because of therapy schedules. She always remind me Karsen proves me wrong every time I am down. I know she gets just as excited as I do when Karsen does something new. We are bonded.
Then there's Lisa, Bree, Coral, all my friends that pulled together and have helped me out with Karter time and time again. These three amazing women have kept me sane. Something that may have seemed to simple to them took a huge weight off for me. They have helped make my life feel a little more 'normal'. They've prayed for me in the toughest times, and let me block myself off for a few and pulled me back to reality when I needed it. They've never judged me, they've never made me feel like a bad friend. They have just been there for me. We are bonded.
Then there's Mary Beth. Where do I begin? Someone I never thought would be a part of my life and quickly become one of the most important to my life. She understands Karsen as well as I do, she has a connection to Karsen no one else has ever made. I love seeing the excitement she gets when Karsen starts to push forward. It's the same excitement I get, she understands the hard work he and I (and her) have put in. She's seen me at my worst, and has seen me close to my best (ha). Karsen's sessions always run over because she and I can never stop talking. She has helped me pick myself up, help Karsen in different ways and helped me learn how to roll with the punches. She is no longer just Karsen's OT, she is my friend, she is our family. We are bonded.
All these friendships (and so many more) are invaluable, I could only skim the surface of how amazing you all are. I'm so grateful you all are a part of my life, a part of my kids lives, a part of my family. You will never understand how much your friendship has helped me. I love you all to bits. Don't go any where, because I wont let you. ;-) Stuck with me for life, friends, stuck with me for life.
Happy Friday!