Friday evening I had plans to go out for drinks with my girlfriend Brittany. She is the one I Blogged about the other day, (a quick update: The neurologist is refering them to a pediatric neuro surgeon, and also told them it was not in fact a tumor, it's a cyst. Much better than a tumor.) I will keep you guys posted on Josh as I get the information. Of course like any plans you try to make as a mom something came up. I ended up needing to take Karsen to the ER. Ugh. It was really more of an annoyance. I wasn't stressed or panicked at all. This trip was cake walk compared to any other MRI, EEG, all that fun stuff.
Earlier in the day, we had OT with our fav Mary Beth. We started working on standing more (Karsen's AFO and SMO STILL aren't here.) I was shocked at how well he can stand with the support of the wall behind him, completely unassisted from me or Mary Beth. Well, Karsen took one spill off to the side and did his 'I'm hurt' cry. As the day progressed, after nap and OT was finished, he was still crying and fussing. I tried to stand him a couple of times and he would freak out. When I changed his diaper I started grabing his foot and pushing it to see if it was hurting him, keep in mind this is his left foot, and he doesn't have much sensation on that side. He didn't like me touching his foot much. At this point it was 4:45PM (of course, couldn't be an easy appointment, lets make it a Friday evening when no one is open anymore) So, off to the ER we went. I dropped Karter of with my parents, which of course he LOVED, and Karsen and I headed to the hospital. One of the things I hate the most about going to new places is the grill of questions that come, all the questions about Karsen's cp, his seizures, his meds, what he's been on, what he's currently on... blah blah blah. And we they asked how long he's been walking I of course responded "he's not walking at all yet". "Oh! That's not right, he should be walking." I had to remind the nurse of his CP. Come on woman, read his chart for crying out loud. Even still, some kids with out CP still aren't walking at 15 months. Ugh. I should just start making a spread sheet so they could just read it. ha. Karsen ended up getting x-rays of his foot to make sure it wasn't broken. (That was my fear, that he broke his foot and since he can't feel that side as well he wouldn't be as affected by it, and I didn't want it to heal wrong). X-ray came back clear and after some assessment they figured Karsen had pulled a tendon. What to do? Take a break from standing for a while. Grrrr.... that puts a crimp in our OT and PT. Well, at least he doesn't need to be casted.
We were in and out of there in two hours, TWO HOURS! That's the ER people! I was impressed. I was actually still able to meet up with my girl friend for drinks.
Karsen is doing much better today. He has a little more range on his left foot and isn't complaining any more. The upside? Because it's his left foot he doesn't use it anyways, he wont be moving it which will help it to heal that much fast. Now it would have been convinient for Karsen to hurt his right arm so that way he's force to use his left, I know, I'm evil.
Thankful my little man isn't casted and already getting better.
Here's one of his x-rays of his little foot (and my fingers). The doctor came over and said "Good news, his foot and your fingers are all clear" lol
So glad he is okay! Oh my goodness I am such a weirdo but I think baby x-rays are so funny-- their bones look like they are just floating in there, not connected to anything. Every time Ronin falls or lands in a way that makes me think wow if that were me, I'd have fifty broken bones, I remember baby x-rays and how nothing is really fused and they just are kind of bouncy and rubbery and resilient. Totally awesome :-) Glad he's good and no broken bones.