It's official, Karsen is off his medication 100%! A light bulb has just gone on. I'm so excited to see his true colors shine. He's got such a personality. Every time Kuper walk toward Karsen with his breakfast, Karsen starts freaking out and gets really excited and starts scooting straight for him, it's pretty cute. The best part? Not a single seizure. (He's also no longer constipated, didn't even cross my mind that was a side effect of his meds)
His eating has taken off! Tonight he even ate mac n cheese. I couldn't believe it. He is now drinking out of a sippy cup fully on his own. I think we are probably a month away from being done with bottles. Although, he only gets it right before bed and lately has only been drinking 4 ounces out of it. He used sign language for the first time a few days ago. He signed 'more', not only was I excited he communicated, but he used BOTH hands!
He's starting to tolerate his AFO and SMO more now. He really just doesn't like me putting them on, otherwise he doesn't really care. He's got some pretty cute DC shoes to go with them. He looks like such a big boy with them on. His foot is back to normal, kids bounce back so fast! So, we've been working a lot on standing. He will stand for a good 5 minutes if he has a wall behind him for support. However, today he stood on his own for 2 seconds, 2 seconds people!
Karter and Karsen really started to play together over the last week or so. Karter always brings him a toy in the morning, he's so sweet to him (when he wants to be) and other times a true brother. It makes my heart so happy to see them play together and take toys from each other and get mad at each other. I know weird. But they are being true brothers.
This week is a nice break from the therapy chaos. Since both of his therapy places are close this week we have no therapy at all. Of course, that doesn't exclude me and what we do at home ;-) but it's nice to not have to go any where. I'm ready for the holidays, good food, fun company, and our start of Christmas traditions the day after Thanksgiving. I'm also less than 2 weeks away from my marathon, so it's nice to start tappering and not have to worry about my runs as much.
With that said, I couldn't be more excited about the weekend of my marathon. Not because of the race, I'm actually pretty nervous about that, but because my parents are taking the boys over night for the first time. *insert back flip* and they'll watch them the whole day of the race. Not only do we have the race early morning, but the evening is Kuper's company Christmas party. I am pretty sad that we will be missing out on taking the boys to the Christmas parade, maybe my parents will end up taking them.
Karsen has two appointments coming up, both on the same day. One with his neurologist, which I am sure is going to be very routine, and the other with his ophthalmologist to check on the progress with the eye patching. I'm pretty confident that both will be a breeze.
I'm finding myself really getting anxious about Karsen not walking yet. I'm not quite sure why, but maybe because I feel like it's becoming more obvious he's behind. I know we have much longer before he will walk but he WILL walk. I'm not a patient person, but I'm learning to adapt. It makes it easy to step back and look at how far he has come. I'm so proud of him, my little stroke survivor.
The little and I shopping for shoes.
Look at him stand! Aren't those shoes too cute?! (For those of you that don't know me, I probably need to go to a therapist for how obsessed I am with shoes. But eeeek! Look at those!)
Unfortunately, the way Karsen's AFO was made I can't pull his pants down. When he bends his knee it's designed to let the brace move away from his calf as he bends. So, I can't really put his pants over it or else it will prevent him from being able to bend with it on. Summer time will be much easier.