Karsen has been using a program called proloquo2go, it's a communication app, since September. It has been going ok, but I don't think it was stretching him enough to continue learning as well as fairly glitchy. It's fairly easy to program but one slip up and you could really mess things up. Not to mention, Karsen could still add buttons (which made no sense) even she guided access is on. So, we've made a switch. We are now using speak for yourself. We just started using it today and he's already really getting the hang of it.
Our almost one year long battle with alta (to get Karsen a behavioral assessment) is coming to an end. We have pushed through and finally got all the paper work needed. Now we just wait, again, for a call to set up the assessment. In the mean time, we are still dealing with behavior issues that seem to be harder the older he gets. He's getting bigger and stronger. Good combination for some fun war wounds. While I've been busy trying to get info lined up for Karsen for an upcoming meeting (I'm requesting speech therapy to continue the entire summer, rather than a break during like most kids), we are less than a week away from listing our house. My stress level has been a little high. We are really hoping to get into the right house, in the right school district, on the right property, all before baby number three arrives in July. No pressure, right?! I need to trust that God will provide the perfect house for our family in Perfect timing.
Other than that, we've been plugging along. Working on the house any second that is free, cruising listings nonstop, and wrangling the two monsters named Karter and Karsen.