We toured a afternoon program that Karsen was offered. They would be able to give him two days a week speech as well as one session in class. This school happens to be located just a 3 minute drive to our other speech therapist (my dear friend), so it really will work out perfectly for him. He will continue to go to his private preschool, this afternoon program is in addition and insures he will get the services he needs. He also qualifies for the summer program there. If he wasn't in the summer program he would go the whole summer with out any speech therapy, that's just not ok. This summer program is 10-1 and offers speech therapy as well.
Since, Karsen is back to walking around with out any pain we are back on the wagon of no screen time for a while until he is no longer screaming for it all the time. This morning didn't go as bad as I expected it to, he didn't freak out as much about not having the TV on but he did, however, scream and hit Karter for no good reason. One time Karter was even helping him. There are moments when I feel he just seems mad and grumpy a good part of the day if he has to deal with anyone around him.
We are still dealing with a great deal of tantrums, it's a whole new level of tantrums for him. They are more than the typical throw yourself on the ground and scream tantrum. He tried slamming his head or body into things, if I'm holding him he will go stiff as a board but jolt his body over and over again all while screaming. It's very exhausting. I honestly don't get mad at the tantrum, I just don't know how to help him and calm him down. There are moments where I can snap him out of them fairly fast if I have something he is interestedin enough, other times I'm not so lucky. I met a friend at the park yesterday, it was pretty easy with the exception of Karsen screeching at each kid younger than him trying to walk by him, or use the slide he just use, it was quite ridiculous. I felt bad for the other kids, he was just being so mean and grumpy.
Still praying for guidance and patience. Praying for the wisdom to help Karsen the way he needs to be helped and not help him when he needs to be left to work things out on his own. There's a fine line and it's very hard for me to see at times.