Kuper and I have always been concern about Karsen and the risk of seizure activity, I don't know if that feeling will ever go away. A couple of weeks ago Karsen and I were snuggling and his left arm (affected arm) did a quick jerk. It was enough for me to be worried and enough for me to call the neurologist. After emails back and forth, Karsen neurologist thought it was best that we see a epilepsy specialist. It's a lot of things bundled into one that lead us to this decision. With the type of seizures he had before, pushing to get an answer sooner is manditory. It's scary just to think that we may be going down this path again. Thankfully the paperwork got pushed through fast, it only took two days to get a phone call to make the appointment. We'll be heading down May 16th. After we meet with them we'll figure out if (most likely when) we'll get an EEG done and how long. It will most likely end up being an in patient 48 hour EEG. I'm not thrilled we have to wait a little over a month to meet with the specialist but it's better than two months.
Karsen is LOVING this beautiful California weather we are having. The kid LOVES water. He's already asking to turn on the sprinkler. I'm really looking forward to the summer this year. Finally there is so much he can do and enjoy.
We are checking out two preschools on Friday for Karsen. I'm kind of hoping a kid will have a melt down so I can see how they handle it. So pray for some kid to lose it. lol. I'm nervous and excited for Karsen to go to school. He's growing so fast!