Since Karsen is still not walking we had to really embrace the dirty part of camping. There was never a moment he wasn't covered in dirt. We had constant outbursts, tantrums, and boo boos to deal with. It was hard, no other way to put it. In fact, Kuper and I both agree we will not be camping solo until Karsen is walking. He definitely got his dose of sensory play while we were there, and I think the big crowd of family was sometimes too much for him, but Karter was having the time of his life and I think he was thoroughly enjoying the attention he was getting from all of our family.
It was a little hard on me to let people see (yes, even family) what Karsen is like outside of short visits and this blog. Too see the real tantrums, the real frustration that stems from the lack of communication, frustration he and I both expirience. Raising a special needs child is no picnic, its not all the smiles and giggles, it can getbe down right dirty and ugly but it sure is rewarding when they hit milestones you've been working on for months, sometimes years.
Last week was also Karsen's birthday. Two years old, when did this happen?! We had a small party for him at a friends house. It apparently wasn't small enough. I caught him several times trying to escape the crowd and go play solo. He just doesn't handle large groups of people well. It was a hard day for me. It took him throwing a fit and melting down for me to realize I wasn't throwing this party for him, I was throwing it for myself. I wanted things to be "normal" for him and in the process I made it miserable for him. Karsen has his own normal, it's taken me along time to come to terms with that, in fact I think I am still trying to come around. At what point did throwing a birthday party become such a necessity? When did we are start feeling like we need to be the Pinterest mom and throw these huge parties when really a toddler could care less if there is enough puff balls, streamers, or cupcakes frosted the perfect way. Lets be honest, they just want to play with toys, open presents, and eat copious amounts of sugar. So, I learned my lesson, I am taking cues from my boys. Doing what they really want to do for their birthday, it's only fair. I'm no longer forcing them to form to what they "should" want to what they really want. Embracing who my kids are. It was a big mommy fail on my part, but I'm willing to admit it and make it right from here on out.
Today Karsen signed music. His signing is really starting to take off. He also got a new thumb splint today, bright green to match his newest pair of AFO and SMO's. (the kid has gone through three pairs now). We also have an appointment tomorrow at Shriners to see what our other options are for the drool. I'm going in guns loaded with all the pictures of how bad Karsen's rash can get, let's hope they listen. Say a little prayer for us, we really need a solution to this problem.
Here's a picture of his new thumb splint, along with a sweet shots of my sweet boys, they truly know how to melt my heart and make my bad days good.