Karsen has, once again, blown me away. I think a small break from therapy was just what he needed. He started pulling himself up to stand just before we left for Vegas. He only had mastered this task with out his AFO and SMO on, these prevent him from moving his feet more freely. Once we were back from Vegas, he had it mastered with them on, he's pulling up on nearly everything. Now he has started to cruise along the furniture and even take a step between things that he has to get. I even had him free standing for a good minute, watching him start to loose his balance but gain it back. I'm beyond thrilled. Feeling like I can see the light, he'll be walking soon!!!he wants to walk everywhere now, he does it no problem, holding on to our hands but is still not balanced and lacks the confidence. He'll get there. I'm thinking by October he'll be fully walking,,just in time to go trick or treating.
We've been battling the glasses a little, as you can tell in both pictures, he isn't wearing them. He's all the sudden decided he doesn't want to wear them, they are starting to get pretty scratched up and I'm wondering if that's part of the problem, or he's just being a toddler which brings me a certain amount of joy I can't explain. We have an appointment next month with his eye doctor, so we'll descuss the problem then.
His birthday is next month and this mom has been slacking in the party planning department. I need to get on it! We'll be keeping it low key since Karsen doesn't handle large crowds well, after all it is about him. I can't believe he's going to be two! His communication has been so much better, which therefore has brought frustration levels a lot lower. He now signs more, which is double special since he uses BOTH hands, all done, yes, no, and I've seen eat a handful of times. Starting to feel like I can tackle this, ha. Things seem to be going pretty well in the Williamson house. So of course I felt bored, I interviewed for a job with early intervention company (they are in charge of all meetings and iconic and play ayes for special needs families), and I got the job! I'm more than excited. I feel like this is where I am suppose to be. And since a new job isn't enough, m looking for another full marathon to train for. I might do the same one I did last year, not sure yet, but I need something for me.
Well, there ya have it, free standing, almost walking, eye glass issues, using sign language, a new job, and looking to train for another marathon, that about sums up our most recent.