I couldn't be more ready for 2013. 2012 Has been a whirl wind and has been, hands down, that hardest year of my life. I've learned, and grown so much and have met many amazing people along the way. Although this road has been rough, it's also been enlightening.
Let me give you a little recap of 2012:
Realized something wasn't right with Karsen
Karsen got diagnosed with cerebral palsy at 7 months
Karsen got diagnosed with infantile spasms (type of seizure) just 3 weeks later
A huge benefit concert was thrown for us (I'm blown away by the support we have gotten from this amazing community
Karsen's seizures stopped after three different med changes
Celebrated Karsen's 1st birthday even though he couldn't eat cake
Karsen started sleeping through the night (*insert happy dance here*) at 14 months
Celebrated Karter's 3rd birthday
Karter started preschool and LOVES it
Karsen was able to go medication free and be seizure free
I completed my first marathon
Karsen hit 6 months of no seizures
Wow! What a year! I'd have to say, the good greatly out weighs the bad. Like I've said in one of my posts before, there is good in every bad, it may be small but it's there. At the start of 2012 Karsen couldn't roll over, he couldn't sit up, he was little but also behind. Now??? He rolls all over the place, sits up and gets to sitting up from laying down, butt scoots everywhere, will walk if you are supporting him, and his newest? Pulling himself up to his knees. On top of that, he's cut bottles out completely and is officially on nothing but sippy cups. He's still having a struggle with eat/chewing but I couldn't be more greatful for that he's never needed a feeding tube. Hard work pass off. At some point I want to make another video of Karsen, one to put in after his first video showing the start of his journey. You know, in my spare time and all. ;-)
From Mary Beth, Karsen's OT to Rachalle Smith, a fellow high school cheerleader, there are so many of you that have touched me so deeply. You may have just sent me a simple message or left one small comment, the small things can make a big difference. I became bound and determined to make my blog a place to educate people on the real life of cp. Little did I know that it would become such an important outlet for me. I've even met some cyber friends through it all and had a guest blogger, Heather, who has also helped me on rough days, even though I'm sure she doesn't know it. ;-) She does now!
In 2012 I have learned not everything is what it seems, a lot of people don't know what cerebral palsy really is (if you don't, a fellow cp mommy made a beautiful video about it on my post of CP-what I want you to know), MANY people don't know what infantile spasms are and how serious it can be (read this post about infantile spasms if are one of those people), and even though the world may seem so messed up and cruel, there are so many beautiful people left. I'm talking about the inward beauty. That person that smiles at my boys in the grocery store and tells me how blessed I am (not the lady that spoke out about Karsen's drool.... grrrr.... I'm still holding onto that one and need to learn to let go), the car in front of me at the Starbucks drive threw that paid for my drink, the person that drives around with a smile on her face, the stranger that gave us a pile of ride tickets at the fair, and the teenage couple that gave Karter a stuffed animal at the fair as well. I cling to those beautiful memories, those little things that brightened my day.
So what can we do to make 2013 better? I plan on smiling while driving (Ok, most of the time), letting the lady with 10 items in her shopping cart go before me, hold the door open for someone regardless if they need it or not, be less grumpy and more friendly. Who knows, it could spread like wild fire. Enjoy the little things in life.